AUREET'S LETTERS — 1979 Letter to a Friend

April 7, 1979

Hi R! [Aureet's friend]

...I'm taking time out to write between exams and papers. Gosh it's been a busy semester. I'm working now as a counselor and I love it, but it's making me even busier. Life is treating me well and I'm very happy, I know where I'm going and I'm on the road to get there. Everything I've always wanted is now starting to come into my reach and I know I'll have it all when I get there. Oh, it's not easy, it's very hard at times and sometimes I want to run away but I can't. I've made commitments and I'm on my road and I can't turn back, I can only go forward. So long as I work hard and follow the path I have chosen I will find all that I wish for. I guess what I'm trying to say is life is not easy and you have to work hard for what you want but when you know what your life's meaning is and you are reaching for your goals then you are happy...

R, life sure has treated you harshly and I hope someday you find peace and contentment and your place. You must turn your back on the past and look in hope to the future. Find some woman that will do well by you but most of all find your self. Know your dreams, find the path to lead you there, and then follow it and do not wander from it. Some day you will have all that is coming to you and all that you want if you work hard enough to get it...